Bug#309530: mozilla-firefox: emacs key shortcuts not recognized

Loïc Minier Loïc Minier <lool@dooz.org>, 309530@bugs.debian.org
Fri, 20 May 2005 21:34:36 +0200


On Fri, May 20, 2005, Andrew Pimlott wrote:
> Ok, I've figured out that killing gnome-settings-daemon restores my
> settings in ~/.gtkrc-2.0.  All I can say is, holy crap is this bad
> design!  My configuration varies depending on whether some daemon
> happens to be running?!  The daemon asserts its defaults ahead of the
> settings I've explicitly typed into my ~/.gtkrc-2.0?!

 When you reassigned this bug to Gtk, I thought I had seen a web page
 explaining all of this, but I couldn't get my hand on it again.  Guess
 what?  I've found it:

 This ain't Firefox specific, and it will tell that there are two
 layers: the Gtk configuration, and the GNOME configuration of Gtk, the
 second being edited via gconf.

 A part of this also finds an answer in libgtk2.0-0's README.Debian.

 Could you please follow the suggestion on the page I pointed you to and
 report whether that helped?

 If it did, I would be glad to complement the README.Debian of
 libgtk2.0-0 and eventually will suggest Gtk 2 apps getting report of
 the problem to link to this file.


> Message to GNOME people:  Please give some consideration in your design=
> to leaving things alone when you have not been asked to get involved.

 PS: Your rant doesn't reach GNOME people and is useless in this form.
 I must add that Gtk and GNOME people are quite close-working, so your
 reproach isn't well-targetted.

Loïc Minier <lool@dooz.org>
"Neutral President: I have no strong feelings one way or the other."