Bug#277036: marked as done (gnome-jabber doesn't display group
name with ' correctly)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Sun, 22 May 2005 14:33:27 -0700
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Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 16:34:36 +1300
From: "John R. McPherson" <jrm+gjdebbug@wlug.org.nz>
To: submit@bugs.debian.org
Subject: gnome-jabber doesn't display group name with ' correctly
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Package: gnome-jabber
Version: 0.4-2
If I have a group name that contains the ' character, gnome-jabber
gets confused as displays each contact that should be in that group
in one group per contact, and with the ' changed to &apos;
Ie ithe other jabber clients I've tried show "wlug'ers", but gnome-jabber
shows "wlug&apos;ers". So it would appear that gnome-jabber isn't
unescaping the xml properly?
John McPherson
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Date: Sun, 22 May 2005 18:22:44 -0300
From: "Gustavo R. Montesino" <grmontesino@ig.com.br>
To: 277036-done@bugs.debian.org
Subject: gnome-jabber doesn't display groups with ' correctly
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This package was removed from the debian archive, therefore I'm closing
this bug.
Gustavo R. Montesino
Debian Brasil - http://www.debianbrasil.org/