Bug#313774: marked as done (libgksuui1.0: [INTL:de] German PO
file corrections)
Debian Bug Tracking System
owner at bugs.debian.org
Sun Nov 6 00:18:23 UTC 2005
Your message dated Sat, 05 Nov 2005 16:02:10 -0800
with message-id <E1EYXz8-0001cU-00 at spohr.debian.org>
and subject line Bug#313774: fixed in libgksuui1.0 1.0.7-1
has caused the attached Bug report to be marked as done.
This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.
(NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what I am
talking about this indicates a serious mail system misconfiguration
somewhere. Please contact me immediately.)
Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)
Received: (at maintonly) by bugs.debian.org; 14 Jun 2005 21:30:51 +0000
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Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2005 23:28:57 +0200
From: Jens Seidel <jensseidel at users.sf.net>
To: maintonly at bugs.debian.org
Subject: libgksuui1.0: [INTL:de] German PO file corrections
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Tags: patch l10n
attached you will find an update of the German PO file de.po.
Note that this is a semi automatic created mail which contains all issues I
found during checking most of Debians German PO files. This includes also
encoding but mostly typo fixes. Please contact upstream for non-native
Debian packages to incorporate the changes (even if Debians version is old)
since I noticed that the same errors are made again and again over all
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="de.po.diff"
--- de.po.gz.orig/libgksuui1.0_1.0.4-3_de.po 2005-06-11 16:42:50.000000000 +0200
+++ de.po.gz/libgksuui1.0_1.0.4-3_de.po 2005-06-12 03:36:08.000000000 +0200
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
#~ " --print-pass, -p\n"
#~ " Asks gksu to print the password to stdout, just\n"
#~ " like ssh-askpass. Useful to use in scripts with\n"
-#~ " programs that accept receiving the passowrd on\n"
+#~ " programs that accept receiving the password on\n"
#~ " stdin.\n"
#~ " --disable-grab, -g\n"
#~ " Disables the \"locking\" of the keyboard, mouse,\n"
Received: (at 313774-close) by bugs.debian.org; 6 Nov 2005 00:06:56 +0000
>From katie at spohr.debian.org Sat Nov 05 16:06:56 2005
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id 1EYXz8-0001cU-00; Sat, 05 Nov 2005 16:02:10 -0800
From: Gustavo Noronha Silva <kov at debian.org>
To: 313774-close at bugs.debian.org
X-Katie: $Revision: 1.56 $
Subject: Bug#313774: fixed in libgksuui1.0 1.0.7-1
Message-Id: <E1EYXz8-0001cU-00 at spohr.debian.org>
Sender: Archive Administrator <katie at spohr.debian.org>
Date: Sat, 05 Nov 2005 16:02:10 -0800
Delivered-To: 313774-close at bugs.debian.org
X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.60-bugs.debian.org_2005_01_02
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X-Spam-Status: No, hits=-6.0 required=4.0 tests=BAYES_00,HAS_BUG_NUMBER
autolearn=no version=2.60-bugs.debian.org_2005_01_02
Source: libgksuui1.0
Source-Version: 1.0.7-1
We believe that the bug you reported is fixed in the latest version of
libgksuui1.0, which is due to be installed in the Debian FTP archive:
to pool/main/libg/libgksuui1.0/libgksuui1.0-1_1.0.7-1_i386.deb
to pool/main/libg/libgksuui1.0/libgksuui1.0-dev_1.0.7-1_i386.deb
to pool/main/libg/libgksuui1.0/libgksuui1.0_1.0.7-1.diff.gz
to pool/main/libg/libgksuui1.0/libgksuui1.0_1.0.7-1.dsc
to pool/main/libg/libgksuui1.0/libgksuui1.0_1.0.7.orig.tar.gz
A summary of the changes between this version and the previous one is
Thank you for reporting the bug, which will now be closed. If you
have further comments please address them to 313774 at bugs.debian.org,
and the maintainer will reopen the bug report if appropriate.
Debian distribution maintenance software
Gustavo Noronha Silva <kov at debian.org> (supplier of updated libgksuui1.0 package)
(This message was generated automatically at their request; if you
believe that there is a problem with it please contact the archive
administrators by mailing ftpmaster at debian.org)
Hash: SHA1
Format: 1.7
Date: Sat, 5 Nov 2005 21:31:28 -0200
Source: libgksuui1.0
Binary: libgksuui1.0-1 libgksuui1.0-dev
Architecture: source i386
Version: 1.0.7-1
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Gustavo Noronha Silva <kov at debian.org>
Changed-By: Gustavo Noronha Silva <kov at debian.org>
libgksuui1.0-1 - a graphical fronted to su library
libgksuui1.0-dev - a graphical fronted to su library (development files)
Closes: 309533 313774 323590
libgksuui1.0 (1.0.7-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release
- contains new ro, de and fr translations
(Closes: #323590, #309533, #313774)
* debian/copyright:
- updated FSF's address
5d39c4126132676c8f0975f8f3422014 1652 admin optional libgksuui1.0_1.0.7-1.dsc
c22648bbb17aa942a97cc325e3a85752 567721 admin optional libgksuui1.0_1.0.7.orig.tar.gz
36b3783ec896b2f0ccfa6d8c1e0260b7 7283 admin optional libgksuui1.0_1.0.7-1.diff.gz
ab0dd846728c5a25f9f2d0c9e020585c 23942 libs optional libgksuui1.0-1_1.0.7-1_i386.deb
725f6a952710a999be8ce711ee285709 17100 libdevel optional libgksuui1.0-dev_1.0.7-1_i386.deb
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)
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