Bug#334534: marked as done (Patch from bug 307724 breaks Eclipse)
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Sun Oct 23 12:48:36 UTC 2005
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Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2005 10:19:07 -0500
From: Billy Biggs <vektor at dumbterm.net>
To: submit at bugs.debian.org
Cc: Douglas Pollock <douglas.pollock at magma.ca>,
Norbert Tretkowski <tretkowski at inittab.de>
Subject: Patch from bug 307724 breaks Eclipse
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The fix for Debian bug 307724 added a patch from gtk-2-6 branch to the
2.6.4 release for sarge. This causes the following bugs in Eclipse,
where keybindings can completely fail:
The patch was to fix the following long-standing bug in GTK+:
While we worked with GTK+ to fix this bug, Eclipse had a workaround
which conflicts with the patch. For 3.1.1 we disable our workaround if
GTK+ >= 2.6.8, but this check does not work with the patched version of
2.6.4 from debian. There is unfortunately no clean way to detect
whether the version of GTK+ is fixed.
I think the patch should be removed, or stable should be updated to
GTK+ 2.6.8. Patching back a very tricky and low-level X event handling
patch into a previous version just decreases the stability of the
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Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2005 14:42:20 +0200
From: Loic Minier <lool at dooz.org>
To: Billy Biggs <vektor at dumbterm.net>
Cc: 334534-done at bugs.debian.org, Norbert Tretkowski <tretkowski at inittab.de>,
Douglas Pollock <douglas.pollock at magma.ca>
Subject: Re: Bug#334534: Patch from bug 307724 breaks Eclipse
Message-ID: <20051023124220.GC10972 at bugs.debian.org>
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On mar, oct 18, 2005, Billy Biggs wrote:
> The patch applied to Debian's 2.6.4 matches the fix in 2.6.8 as far a=
> I know. The issue is that Eclipse can't easily determine whether it
> should shut off its workaround, so it wrongly considers Debian's 2.6.4
> to be broken. The workaround conflicts and Eclipse breaks.
> So, the 2.6.4 in Debian stable is "fixed". but's no longer
> "GTK+ 2.6.4" as it claims to be.
We discussed this matter on IRC and agreed that it was impossible to
revert this change with respect to other apps in Debian stable.
The outcome of the discussion also shows that it might help to offer
the Debian package version and revision via Gtk's API, or some way of
checking the applied patches. It also underlines that diverging from
upstream to fix bugs has to be done with care.
Hence, I'm closing this bug. Please reopen it if necessary.
Lo=EFc Minier <lool at dooz.org>
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