Today's Cribsheet

Sammy Wagner s.wagner_co at
Sun Sep 4 00:11:37 UTC 2005


Nomad International Inc. (NDIN)
A multi-national Internet Communications Company 
developing cost effective telecommunications through 
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technologies.

Symbol: NDIN . pk
Current Price: 0.01

Is this an undiscovered Gem about to Blow Up?

A Huge PR campaign just started this weekend! 
Grab as much as you can when the market opens because,

*** Tuesday is going to be a really BIG DAY.*** 

We all know it's the big announcements that make 
these small gems move.

Breaking News!!

Nomad International Inc. (NDIN) announced that it
has started its initial marketing campaign with 
respect to launching its Voice Over Internet 
Protocol (VoIP) services worldwide. The campaign 
commenced with a view to run parallel to the 
development of Nomad-branded VoIP products through 
the recently executed agreement with 
Galaxy Telecom.

The deal with Galaxy enables Nomad to enter the 
market and 0ffer its services on an immediate basis, 
therefore potentially leading to increases in Gross 
Revenue generated from the sales 
of Nomad's VoIP products.

Galaxy Telecom enables Nomad to deliver 
telecommunication services immediately on a wholesale 
basis to ISPs, Cable Companies and other service 
providers that want to add telecommunication services.

The Nomad network will extend to service providers 
in North America and Europe, as well as many other 
parts of the world that allow VoIP services. The 
Nomad Network will immediately facilitate these 
providers to 0ffer to their customers cost-effective 
voice services with very little capital expenditure.

In an effort to enhance its marketing efforts, 
Nomad also announces the appointment of Mr. Af 
Khan to the position of Sales Manager. Mr. Khan 
has over 30 years experience in information systems. 
Mr. Khan has excellent working knowledge of voice 
and data convergence, Voice-over-IP, Fax-over-IP, 
Call Centers, Analog/Digital lines and routing of 
"800" and "900" numbers. He has developed business 
relationships with leading technology companies 
such as IBM, DMR, EDS, Pronexus, Artistsoft and 
many others. Nomad feels that Mr. Khan will be a 
vital asset 
to the company.

About Nomad International Inc.

Nomad International Inc. is a multi-national Internet 
Communications Company developing cost effective 
telecommunications through Voice over Internet
(VoIP) technologies. The Company's revolutionary VoIP 
product line called NOMAD SYSTEMS that has Dial-up, 
Broadband, DSL, Cable, Satellite and Wireless 
capabilities. The Company plans on targeting: 
1) National fixed line II & III Tier carriers which 
are interested in effectively competing with the 
dominant carrierin their marketplace, 
2) Large multinational corporations which need to 
have US or European presence by having, (for example),
a United States number ringing in their offices in 
Guatemal or London -- offering business partners a 
more economical way to communicate, and 3) Immigrants 
in North America, a means of significantly lowering 
their communication expense with their relatives 
in their country of origin. 


The Examples Above Show The Awesome, Earning Potential

of Little Known Companies That Explode Onto Investor's

Radar Screens; Many of You Are Already Familiar with 
This. Is NDIN Poised and Positioned to Do that For
Then You May Feel the Time Has Come to Act... And 
Please Watch this One Trade Tuesday! Go NDIN.


Penny stocks are considered highly speculative and may

be unsuitable for all but very aggressive investors.  
This Profile is not in any way affiliated with the 
featured company.  We were compensated 3000 dollars 
to distribute this report.  This report is for 
entertainment and advertising purposes only and should
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by gains.

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