Bug#373154: rhythmbox: bitrate of MP3 files always "Unknown"

Sven Arvidsson sa at whiz.se
Wed Dec 6 22:57:50 CET 2006

On Tue, 2006-12-05 at 16:58 -0500, Chris Roddy wrote:
> Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
> Pipeline is PREROLLING ...
> FOUND TAG      : found by element "id3demux0".
>            title: song for the two mile linear particle accelerator,
> stanford university, stanford, california
>           artist: man or astro man (live)
>            album: 2000-11-01 - maida vale bbc studios
>             date: 2000-01-01
>     track number: 3
>            genre: Live
>         duration: 191000000000
> Pipeline is PREROLLED ...
> Setting pipeline to PLAYING ...
> New clock: GstSystemClock
> Got EOS from element "pipeline0".
> Execution ended after 11462462000 ns.
> Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
> Setting pipeline to READY ...
> Setting pipeline to NULL ...
> FREEING pipeline ...

That's odd, on my system, the tags are found by the element "mad0", from
gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly, and I see that you have it installed too.

Can you see if you get the same results (found by element "id3demux0".)
between the two systems and if you get the same result from the mp3 you
attached to the bug report?

GStreamer have had a few problems in the past with metadata from mp3s
encoded by lame. But I think they have all been resolved now, see 

> Thanks for checking up on this. Your work in maintaining the package is
> much appreciated!

Not a maintainer! I just help the maintainer dudes ;-)

Sven Arvidsson
PGP Key ID 760BDD22

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