Bug#284090: gnome-session: Also happens here with 2.12

Manuel Bilderbeek manuel at msxnet.org
Wed Dec 13 19:43:07 CET 2006

Josselin Mouette wrote:
>> What then happens is that the login happens normally, but the splash
>> screen 'hangs' at the "GNOME terminal" 'phase'. After clicking it, it's
>> gone again indeed, but that's a annoying. Waiting about 1 minute also
>> makes the splash screen disappear. And indeed, as reported eariler, one
>> cannot directly log out after logging in, while the splash screen is
>> there (or was just clicked away). A certain time out needs to be
>> awaited.
> Does it still happen with gnome-session 2.14 ? I think there are issues
> with registering multiple terminals to the session, but this bug
> shouldn't occur anymore.

I'm still running the same setup, with today's testing and it still 
hangs. Or should I setup those terminals again?

Grtjs, Manuel

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