Bug#404888: glib2.0: cannot go into testing; causes gnucash regrsession

Robert Schüler robert at mareikeswelt.de
Sun Dec 31 11:04:17 UTC 2006

On Fr, 2006-12-29 at 01:41 +0100, Josselin Mouette wrote:
> Robert, can you send me a key-file that fails loading with the latest
> glib, so that I can see which characters it is using in keys? 

Attached you will find an archive with new config-file and the configs
(which I think they are the key-files) before starting and after exiting
the application.
If you browse through the strace-log and grep for "test.config" you will
find the lines where reading and writing failed.

| mailto:robert at mareikeswelt.de - http://www.mareikeswelt.de           |
| Key fingerprint = 68C5 1368 9A5B 0225 7BE5  DB1B 5215 1037 2EE3 CF62 |
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Url : http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-gnome-maintainers/attachments/20061231/ebad399f/key-file_example-0001.tar

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