Bug#350995: correction

martin f krafft madduck at debian.org
Thu Feb 2 09:44:26 UTC 2006

I must correct myself, but I still don't have any details. Somehow,
my dhclient3 gets killed iff avahi-daemon is running. I notice this
primarily because /etc/resolv.conf will be empty, even though the
link still works. Existing SSH connections are fine, new ones fail
the DNS lookup stage. I don't know what makes its entries disappear,
but it happens only when avahi-daemon is running.

 .''`.     martin f. krafft <madduck at debian.org>
: :'  :    proud Debian developer and author: http://debiansystem.info
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
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