Bug#249047: metacity: application's take focus even though it is set to click

Loïc Minier lool at dooz.org
Sat Feb 11 13:03:38 UTC 2006

tags 249047 + moreinfo


 This is a followup for Debian bug <http://bugs.debian.org/249047>.

On jeu, mai 13, 2004, Chris Davies wrote:
> When I run mozilla Firefox, and have either a gnome terminal or gaim open, 
> when a page that has a meta-refresh loads in mozilla, it brings mozilla to the
> top, and forces the application I was working on to the back.

 Do you still get this bug under GNOME 2.12 (with Gtk >= 2.8 and
 metacity >= 2.12)?


Loïc Minier <lool at dooz.org>
Current Earth status:   NOT DESTROYED

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