james_s15 at
james_s15 at
Wed Feb 22 17:38:56 UTC 2006
Dear Beloved in Christ,
The time has come for Christians to worship God in
spirit and in truth according to the
book of John chapter 4:vs23-24.``But the hour cometh
and now is when the true worshipers shall worship the
Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh
such to worship him . God is a spirit, and they that
worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth``.
Based on this scripture, it became obvious that I
should do the right thing if I must enter into the
kingdom of God.
I am Barrister james Smith, the legal adviser to
late Mr. Mike & Carol godwin,
a God fearing and dedicated Christian here in Nigeria
They were very wealthy but had no child. This
couple lost their live on 24TH APRIL,2005:
during the TRAIN CRASH.
As their legal adviser, before their death, the
husband Mr. Mike godwin instructed me to write his WILL,
because they had no child, he dedicated their wealth
to God. They had a lot of landed properties ,houses,
Stocks/bonds, etc. According to their instruction ,I
have sold all these properties and realize
$45,000,000.00 USD(Forty five million US
Dollars).These properties was bought by a good
Christian , who pleaded that I should not disclose his
identity. He paid cash, the cash was packaged
sealed in a trunk box and deposited as Gold bars for
security reasons the trunk box is presently deposited with a
security company within Europe which
will be disclosed to you as we proceed.
According to the WILL, their assets should be given
out to a ministry for the
work of God. As their legal adviser, all the documents
for the fund that are
deposited with the security company are in my care.
As a born again Christian , I have been reading my
bible and I have to do what is
lawful and right in the sight of God by giving out the
fund to the chosen
ministry for the purpose of God's work as instructed
by the owners before there
death. After my fasting and prayers Today, I asked God
to make his choice and
direct me to an honest Christian or the chosen
ministry that deserves this fund
by his Grace. I then came across your address on the
Internet as I was browsing
I appeal to you to use the
fund wisely for
things that will glorify the name of God. I have just
notified the Security
Company where they deposited the consignments that
contained the fund, that I
am moving the consignment abroad, and the security
company is awaiting my
instruction to move the consignment out of Unit?ed
Dear in Christ, if you know that you will use this
fund honestly and wisely
for things that will glorify God's name, please pray
over it and respond immediately.
To proceed with the work of God and have the trunk box
moved to your destination, I will need your full
names and address. Your telephone and fax numbers will
be highly appreciated for good communication.
May God bless you as you make up your mind to work for
God.private e-mail james_smith2006 at
Barrister james smith.
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