Bug#354582: Nautilus does not list fstab devices in computer:///
Tue Feb 28 08:19:26 UTC 2006
El Martes, 28 de Febrero de 2006 08:43, Josselin Mouette escribió:
> Le mardi 28 février 2006 à 00:09 +0100, Rubén Rodríguez Pérez a écrit :
> > sda6 is a fixed sata drive. the results are the same with hda* and hdb*
> > (my fstab is quite long so I send you only a line as example).
> > I'm working in a live cd, so users can mount disks by hand. However,
> > removing the flag, or changing the mount point to /media don't work.
> GNOME only lists mounts handled by HAL, not all mounts, in the
> computer:/// location. That's purely intentional, because you can't tell
> whether /foobar is a user-specific drive or not.
You mean internal drives are not visible in desktop? That's really a new (and
strange) behavior!
If I force downgrade the package (ONLY this package), and left all the rest
exactly like it is now, then I can see both removables and internal drives in
the desktop, nautilus and apps, and I dont even have to reboot, restart hald,
or even restart gnome. Thats what I (and I think _all_ users) I whant.
I think you are not getting me. If I list computer:/// with gnomevfs-ls then I
only see removable devices, network and filesystem, like this example
root at trisquel:/# gnomevfs-ls computer:///
Filesystem.desktop (Regular, application/x-desktop) size 0
mode 0444
Network.desktop (Regular, application/x-desktop) size 0 mode
Disquetera.drive (Regular, application/x-desktop) size 0
mode 0444
Unidade%20CD-RW%2FDVD%C2%B1R.drive (Regular,
application/x-desktop) size 0 mode 0444
I can see removables, but not my hd* and sd*
And it _only_ happens if hald is not running. If hald is NOT runing then I
have this output:
root at trisquel:/# gnomevfs-ls computer:///
Filesystem.desktop (Regular, application/x-desktop) size 0
mode 0444
Network.desktop (Regular, application/x-desktop) size 0 mode
sda6.drive (Regular, application/x-desktop) size 0 mode
So, I cannot see my fixed drives, only removables. Yes, I can go to /mnt using
nautilus, but it is not the way it should work: fixed drives should be in
computer:///location, and I cannot get it working!
> For what you are trying to achieve, you can either:
> * remove the noauto and user options for your partition, and mount
> it with a specific umask and gid, adding users that can access
> it to that group;
In the examples, drive sda6 is mounted with this fstab line
/dev/sda6 /mnt/sda6 ext3 auto,gid=1000,umask=000 0 0
> * write a specific udev rule to make /dev/sda6 belong to "hal".
That's almost so stupid as adding hal to disk group.
Using lshal I get this about sda6:
udi =
volume.unmount.valid_options = {'lazy'} (string list)
volume.mount.valid_other_fs = {'subfs'} (string list)
volume.mount.valid_options = {'ro', 'sync', 'dirsync', 'noatime',
'nodiratime', 'noexec', 'quiet'} (string list)
org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.method_execpaths =
{'hal-system-storage-mount', 'hal-system-storage-unmount',
'hal-system-storage-eject'} (string list)
org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.method_signatures = {'ssas', 'as', 'as'}
(string list)
org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.method_names = {'Mount', 'Unmount',
'Eject'} (string list)
info.interfaces = {'org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume'} (string list)
volume.ignore = false (bool)
volume.policy.desired_mount_point = 'scsidisk' (string)
volume.policy.mount_filesystem = 'ext3' (string)
volume.policy.should_mount = true (bool)
info.udi =
'/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_40f86157_3921_440d_8f8f_b82622404c6e' (string)
volume.partition.msdos_part_table_type = 131 (0x83) (int)
info.product = 'Volume (ext3)' (string)
volume.size = 190061512704 (0x2c408c8800) (uint64)
volume.num_blocks = 371213892 (0x16204644) (int)
volume.block_size = 512 (0x200) (int)
volume.partition.number = 6 (0x6) (int)
info.capabilities = {'volume', 'block'} (string list)
info.category = 'volume' (string)
volume.is_partition = true (bool)
volume.is_disc = false (bool)
volume.is_mounted = true (bool)
volume.mount_point = '/mnt/sda6' (string)
volume.label = '' (string)
volume.uuid = '40f86157-3921-440d-8f8f-b82622404c6e' (string)
volume.fsversion = '1.0' (string)
volume.fsusage = 'filesystem' (string)
volume.fstype = 'ext3' (string)
storage.model = '' (string)
block.storage_device =
'/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_serial_L59AR23G' (string)
block.is_volume = true (bool)
block.minor = 6 (0x6) (int)
block.major = 8 (0x8) (int)
block.device = '/dev/sda6' (string)
linux.hotplug_type = 3 (0x3) (int)
info.parent =
'/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_serial_L59AR23G' (string)
linux.sysfs_path_device = '/sys/block/sda/sda6' (string)
linux.sysfs_path = '/sys/block/sda/sda6' (string)
Best regards.
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