Bug#370077: Epiphany tries to recover from crashes without having crashed

Yusei yusei at ragondux.com
Sun Jun 4 07:09:11 UTC 2006

Le samedi 03 juin 2006 à 17:44 +0200, Josselin Mouette a écrit : 
> Does it happen when libxul0d is upgraded? In this case, this is expected
> behavior (although this could be improved).

I have this version of libxul0d:
I don't know if upgrading to this version caused the problem, but it
doesn't happen only /when/ it's upgraded, if that was your question.

It seems that a new epiphany process is launched for each application
that activates links: all calls from xchat will open in the same
browser, all calls from liferea will open in another browser, all calls
from a terminal have their window, and so on... so I guess that running
sessions don't get registered somewhere.

(Having different windows for different "sources" could have been a
feature, but since it triggers the crash recovery, it's obviously a bug:
epiphany sees the session-crashed.xml file and sees no running session,
so it believes it has to recover.)

I didn't reboot recently, but to be sure that everything was running
properly, I restarted X and dbus, with no effect.


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