Bug#370751: rhythmbox: Audioscrobbler plugin fails handshake with
Sven Arvidsson
sa at whiz.se
Sat Jun 24 11:09:23 UTC 2006
Jim Hague wrote:
> Unfortunately the bug still applies :-(
> However, I have done some debugging on this and tracked down the cause of the
> problem.
> My web access is from behind a transparent proxy. In
> rb_autoscrobbler_perform(), the libsoup message is created and then set to
> HTTP/1.0.
> SoupMessage *msg;
> msg = soup_message_new (post_data == NULL ? "GET" : "POST", url);
> soup_message_set_http_version (msg, SOUP_HTTP_1_0);
> One effect of setting HTTP/1.0 is that libsoup doesn't send the HTTP Host:
> header with a request. The Audioscrobbler request sent is:
> GET /?hs=true&p=1.1&c=rbx&v= HTTP/1.0
> Of course, this fails at the transparent cache. Remove the call to
> soup_message_set_http_version(), HTTP/1.1 is used, the Host: header sent and
> everything works fine.
> I'm not sure why the Audioscrobbler plugin requires HTTP 1.0. It works fine
> for me with HTTP 1.1. That being said, I'm not sure either why libsoup
> doesn't send the Host: header with HTTP 1.0, as I understand that it is an
> optional header in 1.0.
> In the short term, the work-around is to explicitly specify the network proxy
> in Gnome.
Wow, good work :-)
I think the best idea would be to file this bug upstream. I'm sure it
will be dealt with swiftly.
Sven Arvidsson
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