Bug#353255: A trivial patch would fix it

pibou at club.fr pibou at club.fr
Fri Mar 31 20:37:27 UTC 2006

This issue is a real problem, and it is really stupid becauses it breaks all GNOME's efforts to be user friendly. A little fix would help a lot, letting in curent state would be dramatic.

The question is : why doesn't nautilus show the directory in which it tells that the disk is mounted ?! When I click on my usb key, it tells that it is already mounted on /media/usbkey : very well, so bring me there, it will be better than letting me with an error message.

As told before, it may be because hal changed the default mountpoint, so nautilus doesn't check for the right directory to know whether a drive is mounted. Sure this bug is stupid ! ;-)

But before all, please tell the nautilus developers to make nautilus go to the mointpoint when it detects that the drive is mounted : it will make this bug a little less annoying.

Thanks for all

PS : this output seems normal
$ lshal --monitor

Start monitoring devicelist:
usb_device_930_6533_09717B5162F2BA64 added
usb_device_930_6533_09717B5162F2BA64_if0 added
usb_device_930_6533_09717B5162F2BA64_if0_scsi_host added
usb_device_930_6533_09717B5162F2BA64_if0_scsi_host_scsi_device_lun0 added
storage_model_USB_Flash_Memory added
volume_part_1_size_512753664 added

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