Bug#366991: gnome-panel: wrong colours in XPM background images

Marco Cabizza marco87 at gmail.com
Fri May 12 20:36:41 UTC 2006

Il giorno ven, 12/05/2006 alle 20.03 +0300, Heikki Kantola ha scritto:
> Package: gnome-panel
> Version: 2.14.1-1
> Severity: normal
> I've happily used two different XPM marble pattern imagesĀ¹ as GNOME 
> panel backgrounds for ages, but oddly since the last update these 
> images have wrong colours: the base colour seems to be blue, although
> the other image should be gray and other red. The file selector dialog
> image preview shows the colours correctly.

It's upstream #335057. I've notified them.

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