Bug#351222: Confirm bug
A Mennucc
debdev at tonelli.sns.it
Wed Nov 8 10:11:05 CET 2006
some time after I posted that bug, after a major gnome upgrade in etch,
my gnome-session crashed and the session was lost ; I had to move away
my .gnome dir and create a whole new desktop; in that desktop
I did not put a drawer. Now I create a drawer; I will test it for some
days and let you know.
BTW: I saw a curious bug: when I created the drawer, I opened it, it
was empty, so I drag and drop two icons in it (using middle mouse
button): they disappeared. I destroyed that drawer and created a
second one: in the second one, drag-and-dropped icons do not
Andrea Mennucc
"The EULA sounds like it was written by a team of lawyers who want to tell
me what I can't do, and the GPL sounds like it was written by a human
being who wants me to know what I can do."
Anonymous, http://www.securityfocus.com/columnists/420
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