Bug#389849: gnome-theme-manager fails to show most themes and hangs the GNOME environment

Per Bojsen per.bojsen at comcast.net
Mon Nov 20 18:47:45 CET 2006

*** Regarding Bug#389849: gnome-theme-manager fails to show most
    themes and hangs the GNOME environment; Sven Arvidsson
    <sa at whiz.se> adds:

Sven> what happens if you move ~/.themes out of the way, does it still
Sven> crash?

Yes.  I moved ~/.themes to ~/.themes.saved but it did not change
anything.  I still get the same strange behavior.  I may be missing
some XML files in the themes directories.  I'll dig a little further
when I get home from work.


Per Bojsen                                              <per.bojsen at comcast.net>
7 Francis Road
Billerica, MA 01821-3618

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