Bug#388089: metacity: Title font not picked up for some fonts
Marco Cabizza
marco87 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 18 18:00:46 UTC 2006
Il giorno lun, 18/09/2006 alle 16.21 +0200, Ralph Aichinger ha scritto:
> Package: metacity
> Version: 1:2.14.5-1
> Severity: normal
> When I want to change the title font to e.g. Myriad Web
> or Caflisch Web from Adobe, the font is not picked up in Window titles.
> It works everywhere else in Gnome.
> See Screenshot:
> http://www.pangea.at/~ralph/font-prefs-not-picked-up-windowtitle.png
> fc-list gives:
> ralph at silver:~$ fc-list | grep Cafl
> Caflisch Script
> Web:style=Regular,Normal,Standard,Normale,Standaard,Normaali,∫·Ó
> ÔÓÈο,Normalny,Normál,é·˚˜Ì˚È,obyãejné,Navadno,Arrunta,obyčejné,Κανονικά,Обычный
> Maybe some of the UTF-8 characters confuse Metacity?
I'm experiencing some weirdness in font rendering myself too. Can you
confirm this only happens in metacity? ( i.e. try using the font for the
desktop and stuff )
Plus, there has been a metacity upload in experimental. If you see the
problem is only metacity-related, can you test it?
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