Bug#401433: totem-mozilla: unresponsive while bufferring the stream
Marius Mikučionis
mmikucionis at gmail.com
Tue Apr 17 19:51:08 UTC 2007
Hi Sven,
2007/4/17, Sven Arvidsson <sa at whiz.se>:
> > I am using totem-mozilla in iceweasel and annoyed by the fact that
> > plugin window is not responsive while stream is being bufferred, i.e.
> > I wish to use the popup menu to copy the link into clipboard at least
> > or run in full-screen at most.
> I have tried with a few streams, but can't reproduce this. Can you
> provide a link to a specific stream causing this?
Sure, see http://tv.lt , select any link on the left bar and it should open
a popup window with an embedded video. Usually the connection is quite
poor (about 20kbps) so it takes about 10-20secs to buffer.
> > I also wish a full-screen feature accessible from popup menu (note
> > that "open in totem" currently opens a totem window which crashes
> > immediately, perhaps dbus problem?)
> Is this still a problem? If so, can you investigate further?
Yes it still crashes. It seems that the totem window appears and stays put
(also unresponsive) while the stream is buffering and it crashes immediately
when it is supposed to start showing.
As for investigation I am not sure how to proceed and I have no clue how
plugin communicates with totem. If I run totem from command line it also
freezes, then it complains about improper UTF-8 encoding in the stream (I
guess tv.lt uses ISO8859-13
encoding in XML, and probably in a wrong way), but it eventually plays.
I tried with totem=2.16.6-1 (unstable) and totem=2.16.5-3 (testing)
(with corresponding totem-mozilla versions) and they crash the same way.
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