Bug#344559: Including .desktop files

Jose Luis Rivas Contreras ghostbar38 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 16 01:50:16 UTC 2007

Sam Morris wrote:
> xscreensaver maintainers: I'm trying to solve #344559 which requests
> that gnome-screensaver be able to work with xscreensaver's hacks.
> At some point in the past, gnome-screensaver was capable of looking
> in /usr/lib/xscreensaver and finding the screensavers automatically,
> however according to <http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=317887>,
> g-s can no longer do this.
> I think that the best way to solve this would be to have xscreensaver
> ship the .desktop files along with the hacks themselves. The .desktop
> files can be generated automatically as part of xscreensaver's build
> process, so the maintenence burden should be slight.
> If you agree with this plan I can work on a patch for xscreensaver.


I was thinking on this bug 2 days ago.

There's 2 ways to work this:

* Add the `.desktop' files and from that let that gnome-screensaver works.

* Make a separate package for `hacks' and `hacks-gl' (this last should
really not be so needed since `-gl' it's only hacks...) including the
`.desktop' files.

I was going to work on this (the second one) this coming week but I
don't know if I'm going to travel and have constant connection so if you
work in some patch during this time and is mostly OK I will have no
problem to use it ;).

Jose Luis.

ghostbar on debian linux 'sid' 2.6.22 x86_64-SMP - #382503
Weblog: http://ghostbar.ath.cx/ - http://linuxtachira.org
http://debian.org.ve - irc.debian.org #debian-ve #debian-devel-es
San Cristóbal, Venezuela. http://chaslug.org.ve
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