Bug#410167: gedit: Gedit crashes when viewing source of web page with Epiphany

Danai SAE-HAN (韓達耐) danai.sae-han at edpnet.be
Sat Jun 2 23:45:05 UTC 2007

This strange bug still exists in libpango1.0 (1.16.4-1).

I find it strange, because every program that depends on pango crashes when a
(Chinese) font has its chmod set to "go-r": gedit, icedove, etc.

I don't actually use the Thai IM (but it is installed nonetheless, although it
is said to be broken, even after so many years).

Here's how I can reproduce the bug:

Extract the two TTF from the .exe file at http://okuc.net/sunwb/
I've also put them here temporarily:
- http://users.edpnet.be/vanmeel/Sun-ExtA.ttf
- http://users.edpnet.be/vanmeel/Sun-ExtB.ttf

Put them in /usr/local/share/fonts/truetype/sunext/ and chmod go-r both files.
Run a Gnome program as root (such as Firestarter), in order to create cache
files in /var/cache/fontconfig/.

Open any program as a regular user, and open the attached .html file.  It will
crash eventually.

The reason that it crashes, is that the file contains exotic characters only
found in the SunExt fonts (unless you have a plethora of fonts installed on
your computer, that is).

chmod go+r SunExtA.ttf, and the crash won't happen anymore.

Using a Gnome program under root will be no problem: it opens just fine, even
if I set the chmod to u-r.

I remember that this bug has existed for years now.

If you need any more logs, I'm happy to oblige (but I'm a bit busy now, so it
could take a few days to respond).

Best wishes



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