Bug#425742: gnome-session timeouts

Erich Schubert erich at debian.org
Wed Jun 6 12:47:33 UTC 2007

Logging into Gnome took a long time for me since upgrading to 2.18.2-1
I managed to get Gnome into a working (as in 'fast login') shape again
now, here are some things I noticed:

- I had 'openbox' twice in my session at priority 20, but with different
command lines; one had sm-config-prefix or sm-disabled; the other was a
plain "openbox --replace".
- At login, gnome-session would block after starting openbox
- The splash screen showed two openbox icons.
- "killall openbox" in the console didn't speed up the login process
- I tried removing the duplicate openbox with the UI, but it didn't work
on first try. After downgrading to 2.18.0, I retried that in this time
it worked (and after upgrading to 2.18.2 again, the login still was

My guess:
+ gnome-session started two openbox instances
+ gnome-session waits for both to connect to the session
+ one openbox kills the other before it connected to g-s
= timeout.

best regards,
Erich Schubert
   erich@(vitavonni.de|debian.org)    --    GPG Key ID: 4B3A135C    (o_
          There are only 10 types of people in the world:           //\
          Those who understand binary and those who don't           V_/_
         Humor sollte immmer dabeisein, auch bei Problemen.

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