Bug#204360: 0 applications, that often involve users collaborating online and sharing content.

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In this example, The completionMethod attribute references methods in a
managed bean, ApplicationBean, that is bound to the custom component.
Thumbnails are intermediate data produced by a worker  thread.
Both classes perform tasks in the background and track progress by 
notifying event listeners.
Sounds a lot like a JavaServer Faces technology component, right? Not
yet an SDN member?
require() function and to include the Dojo bootstrap file. send(null);
Initiates the asynchronous call to the servlet.
The ability to manage state is important because it provides a way to
synchronize the properties of a UI component between the server and
jMaki simplifies things for page authors. The status property specifies
a status code returned from the server.
This implementation has provided the list model to  the worker, so it
will update the list directly. In the following steps, you'll add
JavaScript code to an HTML page. However, if the widget needs any
additional resources, these are referenced in the tag's service
You can express a component using a JavaServer Pages technology (JSP)
tag on a JSP page, although you're not limited to using JSP technology
to display the page.
As Figure 7 shows, the jMaki combobox widget works exactly the same way
as the Dojo combobox widget.
open("GET" url, true); Specifies that the req object will use an HTTP
GET method to communicate with the servlet. The value attribute in the
custom tag for the widget contains the data for the selection choices,
in this case, Item 1, Item 2, and Item 3.
The ImageSearcher class publishes  intermediate data to the GUI, and it
handles cancellation requests.
You could also add a listener to  respond to worker state changes.
For a description of Project Dynamic Faces, see the article "New
Technologies for Ajax and Web Application Development: Project Dynamic
To learn how, see the blog entry "Giving jMaki a Whirl".
More specifically, you could  listen for the DONE state and then
retrieve worker  results using the get method described earlier. Most
popular browsers, including Mozilla browsers and Internet Explorer, do.
The call passes the complete-field in the request. Create your own
Flickr web service client using  Flickr APIs and keys. The component
developer should provide in the component the code that accesses the
dictionary service. For example, a jMaki widget wrapped in a JavaServer
Faces component can be customized to trigger event handlers and validate
user entries. The onchoose attribute identifies an event handler that
uses the data returned by the server to fill in the state, and zip code
when the user selects a city. The appropriate tag library references are
added to the source code for the page, and the custom tags for the
widgets are added at the point of the drop.
Ajax impacts other roles too.
The JavaScript function also specifies a JavaScript callback function.
Update the internal representation of the page with the new data. The
dojoType attribute references the combobox widget. Using the
ImageSearcher Class   The demo application provides a search field.
Or, if an Ajax-enabled component is available in an IDE, you can drag
and drop the component from the IDE's palette onto the page. Although
the page author can do all the JavaScript coding to enable Ajax in a web
page, it's more typical that the application developer will do the
JavaScript coding and put it in a separate file.
This implementation has provided the list model to  the worker, so it
will update the list directly.

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