Bug#425645: vino: VINO does not save logs of accesses
Luis Matos
a26652 at alunos.mec.ua.pt
Wed May 23 15:20:26 UTC 2007
Qua, 2007-05-23 às 14:26 +0200, Sven Arvidsson escreveu:
> Hi,
> From what I can tell of this upstream bug, there are no logs
> available.
> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=162465
hello thanks for your answear. I read that when i received your
answear ... it is pitty that it wont log because you cannot monitor the
acceses to you pc.
i was starting to charge to some suspect people, when i saw that vino
won't log the access.
the should be difficulto do make a log like:
date time ip user that logged (w or without password)
i'll complain more upstream. It was a very bd experience.
best regards
Luis Matos
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