No subject
Sun May 13 13:41:23 UTC 2007
mechanism where package maintainers can supply this information,
simply by including a file
/usr/lib/bug-buddy/myapplication name.
Why bug-buddy thinks this is "gecko" rather than iceweasel is a mystery.
Probably because gecko calls gnome_program_init() (or similar function
such as gnome_ui_init()) rather than the applicaton specific code).
gnome_program_init takes a parameter ("const char *app_id"). It is
probably the responsibility of the application built on gecko to
set the value of the string before gecko calls gome_program_init() or
I don't recall that firefox ever had this problem.
So this appears to be two separate iceweasel bugs:
- failure to set app_id to 'iceweasel'
- package failure to provide /usr/lib/bug-buddy/iceweasel
I would note that %APP_ID% seems to be used in various places and
is hopefully independent (i.e. it should be firefox as the code
uses it to find extensions and stuff).
There is also a question regarding why bug-buddy is being invoked
instead of crashreporter whch seems to be the norm).
iceweasel crashes a lot.
It appears that there is a gecko bug in that it sets the app_id
from a string constant. This would need to be fixed in both
gecko and firefox upstream. Complicated by the idiocy of GUI toolkits
that think they own main(). But iceweasel may have introduced
a bug such that the normal crashreport program isn't called.
It would appear that you have refiled this prematurely or on the wrong
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