Bug#458802: gdm: segfault at shutdown / restart

Patrick Schoenfeld schoenfeld at in-medias-res.com
Sat Apr 5 22:20:10 UTC 2008


during the bug squashing today in MG me and a co-worker investigated on
this bug. Lets say first that this is very subtle and we haven't yet
found a fix for it.

Okay, its easily reproducible (once you know it and till you patch it,
how we patched it):

- Start gdm
- Send a SIGTERM (normal kill) to the parent process

But stacktracing is neither easy nor directly valueable. However we came
to a point were we started to run it with valgrind. This way we came to
two code pieces that are suspicious.

1) common/test-config.c:206
There you find the line:

    g_ptr_array_free ((GPtrArray*) keys, TRUE);

which should be


2) daemon/gdm-daemon-config.c:1529

There you find the line

    g_ptr_array_free ((GPtrArray*) keys, TRUE);

should also be change to


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