Bug#472672: gnome-terminal: Opening Tabs resizes terminal window, closing tabs, shrinks it

Michael Musenbrock redeamer at gmx.net
Fri Apr 11 15:44:29 UTC 2008

Sven Arvidsson schrieb:
> On Wed, 2008-04-09 at 23:31 +0200, Michael Musenbrock wrote:
>> This behaviour dissapears completely if I disable the new metacity
>> compositing_manager.
> Can you provide a dump of your gnome-terminal configuration by running
> "gconftool-2 -a /apps/gnome-terminal/global" and
 profile_list = [Default]
 default_profile = Default
 use_mnemonics = true
 use_menu_accelerators = true
 confirm_window_close = true
 active_encodings = [UTF-8,current,ISO-8859-15]
> "gconftool-2 -a /apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Default"
 palette =
 background_color = #FFFFDD
 exit_action = close
 use_theme_colors = true
 title = Terminal
 no_aa_without_render = true
 background_type = transparent
 allow_bold = true
 word_chars = -A-Za-z0-9,./?%&#:_
 background_darkness = 0.91831684112548828
 scroll_on_keystroke = true
 backspace_binding = ascii-del
 custom_command =
 delete_binding = escape-sequence
 foreground_color = #000000
 silent_bell = false
 icon = gnome-terminal.png
 background_image =
 default_show_menubar = true
 title_mode = replace
 scroll_on_output = false
 update_records = true
 visible_name = Vorgabe
 font = monospace 12
 scrollback_lines = 500
 x_font = -misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--*-120-*-*-c-*-*-*
 scroll_background = true
 use_system_font = true
 use_skey = true
 scrollbar_position = right
 login_shell = false
 use_custom_command = false

> It might also be helpful if you could provide the bash prompt (echo
> $PS1) or other customisations to your shell.
echo $PS1 gives the following:

I'll attach my .bashrc and my .bash_profile, but i think they aren't
very helpful, because
they contain no real customization (only enabled /etc/bash_completion)
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