MRS. ZHU YUNING ehgraham at
Tue Apr 22 12:01:06 UTC 2008


Compliment of the day to you,although you may be skeptical  receiving this email as we have not met before,Am an  employee in the The Fondazione Di Vittorio, established 1977  by the Multi-Million groups and now supported by United  Nations Organization (UNO) and the European Union (EU), is 

conceived with the objective of human growth, educational,  and community development thereby uplifting the standard of  living of people.I have a business proposition involving the  sum of $31,500,000.usd for the payment of the Grants  Recipients by the fondazion di vittorio ,I am in position of  the funds and i want your cooperation for us to transfer  this funds from this organisation so that we can handle it  together once we have a common understanding and mutual cooperation in the execution of the mondalities.

should you be intrested,please forward the following to me

1)Full name


3)Private phone number

4)current residential address.

Via this email address:zhuyuning_private002 at

Your response to this mail will be highly appreciated.

Zhu Yuning.

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