Bug#508497: text rendering fails on some documents

Sven Arvidsson sa at whiz.se
Thu Dec 11 20:51:27 UTC 2008

On Thu, 2008-12-11 at 13:21 -0700, Bdale Garbee wrote:
> I've stumbled over various rendering problems with evince before, and mostly
> just lived with them.  One such example is the data sheet for the Linear
> Technologies LTC1682 charge pump regulator IC, in which the text labels on
> the schematic at the bottom of page one render some weird glyph instead of
> the expected symbol for 'micro'.  Both xpdf and acroread get it right:
> 	http://www.linear.com/pc/downloadDocument.do?navId=H0,C1,C1003,C1039,C1
> 133,P1747,D1952

This document looks fine to me, using evince from experimental and
poppler 0.8.7-1, but I might have overlooked something. 

> Today, however, I stumbled over a document that evince fails to render in a 
> much more dramatic and devastating way, that again both xpdf and acroread 
> handle just fine:
> 	http://www.jst-mfg.com/product/pdf/eng/ePH.pdf
> In this datasheet for a JST 2mm connector series, all of the text for 
> dimensions in the mechanical drawings, and most of the dimensional text in
> the tables, fails to render at all.  No visible errors or warnings, the image
> is just displayed without the associated text.
> On this document, xpdf streams errors like this in the invoking shell window:
> 	Error: Unknown character collection 'Adobe-Japan1'
> However, the resulting rendering is virtually identical to the rendering from
> acroread, and completely useable.

Does this work if you install poppler-data (from non-free?).

Sven Arvidsson
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