Bug#468595: python-xml removal: please drop/replace (build) dependencies
Matthias Klose
doko at cs.tu-berlin.de
Fri Feb 29 17:53:58 UTC 2008
Package: hotwire
Severity: important
User: pkg-zope-developers at lists.alioth.debian.org
Usertags: python-xml-removal
Since some time a subset of python-xml is included in the
standard python library, while the python-xml package did not see
any updates for years. It is time to drop it from the distribution.
Update scenarios:
- Just drop the (build) dependency, if the functionality is included
in python. (Build)-depend on python (>= 2.4).
- Copy missing code in the std library from the python-xml package.
(e.g. for some installer packages: localechoose).
- Use another xml library (python-4suite-xml, python-lxml).
Please contact the ML pkg-zope-developers at lists.alioth.debian.org
for further questions and help. Patches for some packages may be
available as a diff of an Ubuntu package at
It is likely that the severity of this report is raised before the
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