Bug#456025: dmz-cursor-theme: drag cursor emblems too small and white
Josselin Mouette
joss at debian.org
Fri Jan 11 13:26:29 UTC 2008
Le jeudi 13 décembre 2007 à 01:24 +0100, Ulrik Sverdrup a écrit :
> Package: dmz-cursor-theme
> Version: 0.4.1
> Severity: normal
> The mouse theme (which I believe is responsible) uses emblems on the
> cursor to annotate the current drag operation, for example (none), move,
> copy and symlink emblems. Currently in dmz-cursor-theme (and industrial
> as well as far as I can see), the emblems are too small and white.
> Combined with an icon of a file you are dragging, it is very hard to see
> if you are currently moving or copying.
This can happen mostly if you’re running on high resolution device. In
which case I can only recommend to increase the size of the cursors; 3
sizes are available.
You can try to play with the SVG sources (svn checkout
https://forgesvn1.novell.com/svn/opensuse-art/trunk/cursors), but I have
the feeling bigger emblems won’t look nice.
> Also, the emblems are almost totally white, just like most standard
> document type icons are.
Matters of taste, I guess. There is also a black version of theme.
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