Bug#437506: evince: Window moves when "View -> Reload" is selected

Reid Priedhorsky reid at reidster.net
Sat Jan 12 22:56:12 UTC 2008

Sven Arvidsson wrote:
> It would be interesting if you could try another window manager and see
> if you get the same behaviour, as I'm guessing this is a problem with
> fvwm.

It also happens under twm, though the jump is much smaller, perhaps 3-5 
pixels. That's the only other WM I have installed currently, though I 
could install others if that would be helpful.

To clarify the "few dozen": it seems that the windows jumps almost 
exactly two times the width of the window decorations in each direction 
-- see the attached screenshots. Also, the jump happens in two visible 
steps, which seem to be of equal distance.

I speculate that evice computes its desired window dimensions 
_including_ the decorations, but then sets these dimensions _excluding_ 
the decorations, and it does this twice. ???

Under twm, it doesn't seem to jump vertically the full width of the 
title bar. My guess is that it's jumping the width of the narrow window 
border in each direction.

Thanks for your efforts on this bug. It would sure be nice to drop gv in 
favor of evince, since gv's interface is sure klunky, but this bug is 
currently a showstopper for me.

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