gvfs claming that http is not supported - except under sudo.

Sebastian Dröge slomo at circular-chaos.org
Sat Mar 22 10:23:16 UTC 2008

Am Samstag, den 22.03.2008, 09:25 +0000 schrieb Neil Williams:

> $ gvfs-info http://www.google.com/
> Error getting info: The specified location is not supported
> > If it doesn't that would be interesting to know... if it works you
> > should have a look at their sources.
> Umm:
> $ sudo gvfs-info http://www.google.com/
> display name: /
> edit name: /
> type: unknown
> size: 0
> attributes:
>   standard::display-name: /
>   standard::edit-name: /
>   standard::content-type: text/html
>   id::filesystem:
> type='http',uri='http://www.google.com/',mount_prefix='/'

Ok, so... well, it works without sudo for me and that's how it should
work :)

Do you have a dbus session bus running in your current session and the
DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS environment variable set?

Is a gvfsd* process running after you tried without sudo?

Could you call g_type_name (G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE(g_vfs_get_default()))
and tell us the output? It should in theory be GDaemonVfs, if gvfs
doesn't work at all for you it should be GLocalFileVfs or similar.
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