gvfs claming that http is not supported - except under sudo.

Neil Williams codehelp at debian.org
Sat Mar 22 21:45:47 UTC 2008

On Sat, 2008-03-22 at 17:56 +0100, Sebastian Dröge wrote:
> In theory gvfs should work just fine for you if you have a session
> bus :)
> Can you reproduce the problem somehow btw?

Well I can simulate it and get similar results but I think something
else is going on in the simulation:

Remove and purge only gvfs-backends - everything continues working. Kill
the gvfs processes (to simulate a logout/login) and only then do things
break. Install gvfs-backends again and things remain broken:

$ sudo apt-get remove --purge gvfs-backends
$ ps waux | grep gvfs

(kill all gvfs processes - akin to rebooting after purging gvfs
or getting close to a system that has never seen gvfs before.)

$ gvfs-info http://www.google.com
Error getting info: The specified location is not supported

$ sudo apt-get install gvfs-backends

$ gvfs-info http://www.google.com
Error getting info: The specified location is not supported

The problem here is that trying to use gvfs without gvfs-backends
installed, appears to break all subsequent use of gvfs. I was going to
only use "Recommends: gvfs-backends" in deb-gview because not all users
of deb-gview will want to view remote files but if I do that and users
try to use deb-gview for a remote file, get an error, work out to
install gvfs-backends and try again, they get the same error until the
old gvfsd process is killed. If gvfs-backends is installed *before* any
gvfs processes try to use a backend, everything appears fine.

In this broken situation, I get:

$ dpkg -l 'gvfs*'
ii  gvfs               0.2.1-1                       userspace virtual filesystem - server
ii  gvfs-backends      0.2.1-1                       userspace virtual filesystem - backends
ii  gvfs-bin           0.2.1-1                       userspace virtual filesystem - binaries

$ ps waux | grep gvfs
neil     25098  0.0  0.2  45104  2188 ?        S    20:53   0:00 /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfsd
neil     25134  0.0  0.0   5636   752 pts/13   R+   20:55   0:00 grep --color gvfs

Note lack of :
/usr/lib/gvfs/gvfsd-http --spawner :1.592 /org/gtk/gvfs/exec_spaw/0

Kill that gvfsd process and it works again.

$ sudo apt-get remove --purge gvfs-backends
$ ps waux | grep gvfs
(kill all gvfs processes - akin to rebooting after purging gvfs)
$ sudo apt-get install gvfs gvfs-bin gvfs-backends

Works because gvfs has not been tried before installing the backends.

Now the second scenario is closer to a normal logout/login at any time
after installing gvfs*.

The first scenario is closer to a new user who has dbus already running
and installs a package that recommends gvfs-backends. Without
gvfs-backends already installed (and with no gvfsd processes), the first
attempt to use gvfs fails and also cripples subsequent attempts until
the broken process is stopped.

I know this isn't what I found before and the solution appears different
but, overall, maybe gvfsd processes need to be killed when gvfs packages
are purged and existing processes killed when gvfs packages are

Alternatively, some form of clean chroot test may be needed.


Neil Williams

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