Bug#472079: epiphany-browser: randomly switching to off-line at the start open web page

merlin v.merlin at seznam.cz
Mon Mar 24 23:27:40 UTC 2008

Josselin Mouette píše v Ne 23. 03. 2008 v 14:19 +0100:
> On dim, 2008-03-23 at 13:57 +0100, merlin wrote:
> > I don't know how I found out that the network manager is active
> > simultaneously with Epiphany  . In system monitor I see the process
> > NetworkManager sleep. 
> Is nm-applet started? What is it reporting in the notification area when
> started?


My network is very simple, it consist from WiFI router /gateway to
internet/ and  router is connect UTP wire to network card in my PC.  

There is icon nm-applet with "no connect to network" so I spend a lot of
time to resetup  my network. The file /etc/network/interfaces and
resolf.conf are set alright. I can make ping to my router and I can
browse on web even with WWW Epiphany browser but I often have to change
mode to on-line by hand.     

If my problem  casues my wrong setup why I'm sometime able open a  web
page.  I'm reading  page and  than I click on any link and epiphany just
say off-line.    The fault isn't sure in my provider as well as in my
basic linux setting .  In case the Epiphany core or interface to Network
manager are ok, it'll by any fault in Network manager. I'm afraid, I'm
not able make decision or conclusion about that.   

on Port eth2 is my ethernet card if I omit this port
in /etc/network/interface   so nm-applet recognize any network on my
omit port number eth2 but network  don't work in fact /no ping /

#iface eth0 inet static
#this seting above case no ping but nm-applet recognize network on eth2
#auto eth0

like this above eg.

iface eth2 inet static

auto eth2

sincerely    M.kovarik

> > The Iceweasel, Opera and another net programs are
> > all right so I gess network manager is ok. 
> They don’t use NM so it’s irrelevant.

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