Bug#478356: gwget 0.99-3 is going to be upload...

Arnaud Fontaine arnaud at andesi.org
Tue May 13 11:46:40 UTC 2008

>>>>> "Adeodato" == Adeodato Simó <dato at net.com.org.es> writes:


    Adeodato> Hello. Any news about this pending upload?
    Adeodato> Thanks,

I have already prepared the package[0]  but I was trying to fix warnings
from dpkg-shlibdeps:

dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: symbol g_type_register_static_simple used by
found in none of the libraries.

I fixed this kind of warnings but not the ones related to src/ directory
because it would need many  modifications in the upstream source. David:
could you please take a look at this issue?


[0] http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-gnome/packages/unstable/gwget2/?rev=15800&sc=1

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