Bug#492283: using older snapshot, it does not fail

AndreMachado andremachado at techforce.com.br
Mon Oct 20 10:50:59 UTC 2008

Using a virtualbox Debian Lenny machine, 
I installed a gnome-environment.
The problem surfaced.
Then, using http://snapshot.debian.org , modified the sources.list

deb http://snapshot.debian.net/archive pool epiphany-browser
deb http://snapshot.debian.net/archive pool xulrunner

Removed epiphany

#apt-get purge epiphany-browser epiphany-browser-data epiphany-gecko 

Then installed a PREVIOUS version of debian epiphany

#apt-get install epiphany-browser=
epiphany-browser-data= epiphany-gecko=

There was not a version of epiphany-gecko at repository, 
so used a bit older version.

The problem DOES NOT happen.

I hope this helps.
Andre Felipe Machado
A Debian user never dies. Issues a last command:
#shutdown -h now

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