Bug#499411: gtk+2.0: Better support for ia32-libs

Josselin Mouette joss at debian.org
Thu Sep 18 15:03:34 UTC 2008

Le jeudi 18 septembre 2008 à 14:57 +0100, Tony Houghton a écrit :
> The ia32-libs-gtk package for amd64 is built by unpacking i386 packages
> and moving the contents of /usr/lib to /emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib etc etc
> before repackaging them in an amd64 deb.  However, some components still
> try to load libraries dynamically from /usr/lib at run-time so they
> don't work correctly - such as theme engines and probably pixbuf
> loaders.
> The ia32-libs-gtk packager could recompile the packages with a different
> libdir but this could cause them some difficulty making sure they're
> built with the correct headers etc for ia32. I wondered whether it might
> be easier to patch the gtk+2.0 package so that if it fails to load a
> library from a libdir it then tries the corresponding directory in
> /emul/ia32-linux (or whatever its target arch is).

We already have 022_module-files-append-compat-module-files-d.patch to
look for files under /usr/lib32. Did the location change?

Please provide an updated and tested replacement for this patch if this
is the case.

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