Bug#543342: update

Trecourt Nicolas fosco at fosconetwork.org
Thu Aug 27 02:14:47 UTC 2009

As I understand this, it's not really a bug in gnome-settings-daemon, 
but a more complex issue.

The problem is that this version of gnome-settings-daemon needs a more 
recent version of gnome-session, wish is not yet un testing because it 
depends on xorg 7.4 (and that's also the reason why upgrading is not 
really always a solution, as the xorg 7.4 in sid has some serious 
issues with some display driver, like intel (needing a 2.6.30-rc kernel 
to work).

As stated on http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=568989 :
Using the sid (2.26) version of gnome-session on xorg 7.3 cause a bug in 
some idlecounter stuff, patched ont xorg git: 	

Rebuilding the squeeze package of xorg-server-core with this patch 
corrects the problem, allowing the use of gnome-session 2.26 on squeeze 
without version jumping Xorg, and solving the gnome-settings-daemon 

Appart the problem that the testing version of Xorg will only build with 
libxfont-dev from stable (because /usr/share/X11/fonts/fontmod.h is not 
available from the libxfont-dev in testing), this is a fairly simple 
solution :)

Maybe we could:
* Open a does-not-build bug for xorg-server-core for the compilation 
* Open a wishlist bug for xorg-server-core with the specified commit as 
* If applied, change the "breaks" line of gnome-session 2.26 to enable 
  it to be installed on the upgraded testing, then push the package on 

So we can have a working testing configuration for the time beeing, 
before the Xorg 7.4 push (that may happen sooner or later anyway).
Nicolas Trecourt <fosco at fosconetwork.org>
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