Bug#411889: wrong "meta release"

Thilo Six T.Six at gmx.de
Thu Dec 24 18:03:45 UTC 2009


i just stumbled upon the file ~/.update-manager-core/meta-release
and it all refers to ubuntu releases instead of debian ones.

-- <snip> --
$ grep "^Dist:" .update-manager-core/meta-release
Dist: warty
Dist: hoary
Dist: breezy
Dist: dapper
Dist: edgy
Dist: feisty
Dist: gutsy
Dist: hardy
Dist: intrepid
Dist: jaunty
Dist: karmic

-- </snip> --

Since this is a plain lenny system I think it's a bug that this program
clutters my $HOME with useless files.

bye Thilo

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