Bug#515966: gdm has wrong keymap

Loïc Minier lool at dooz.org
Wed Feb 18 15:07:11 UTC 2009

reassign #515905 xinit
forcemerge #515734 515905

On Wed, Feb 18, 2009, Philipp Kolmann wrote:
> I had to reboot my sid box today and suddenly couldn't login anymore with gdm.
> It appears that gdm suddenly has switched to english keymap. In xorg.conf I
> have:
> Section "InputDevice"
>         Identifier      "Generic Keyboard"
>         #Driver         "evdev"
>         Driver          "kbd"
>         Option          "CoreKeyboard"
>         #Option          "Device"        "/dev/input/event1"
>         Option          "XkbRules"      "xorg"
>         #Option         "XkbModel"      "evdev"
>         Option          "XkbModel"      "pc105"
>         Option          "XkbLayout"     "de"
>         Option          "XkbVariant"    "nodeadkeys"
> EndSection
> It used to be german layout but now it's english. After login, the german
> layout is back again.

 I think this is #515734

Loïc Minier

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