Congratulations!!! Your E-mail Address Just Won You.

COCA-COLA GRANT FOUNDATION nathalie.strutz-seebohm at
Sun Jan 11 15:02:01 UTC 2009



Coca-Cola Grant Foundation is please to inform you that you have been  
chosen by the Board of  Trustees of the above International (Charity &  
Human Developmental) Organization, as one of  the final recipients of  
a Cash Grant/Donation for your personal development. The Coca-Cola  
Foundation was created in 1995 with entrepreneur, philanthropist and  
partners with organizations around the globe to help develop and  
maintain vibrant, sustainable and local communities. The Coca-Cola  
Foundation builds and implements public-private partnerships to  
address the world's most pressing problems and broaden support for the  
Coca-Cola through advocacy and public outreach. The Coca-Cola  
Foundation is a public charity. Based on the random selection of  
internet Web pages and millions of Supermarket cash invoices worldwide  
you were selected among the beneficiaries to receive the sum of  
£500,000.00 GBP (Five Hundred Thousand Great Britain Pounds Sterlings)  
as developmental aid from Coca-Cola Foundation

To file for your claim, you are required to contact the Executive  
Secretary with your Qualification Number (CC/BT:12052007/20) along  
with the details listed below:

1. Full Names :
2. Residential Address :
3. Home/Office Phone Number :
4. Fax Number :
5. Occupation :
6. Sex :
7. Age :
8. State :
9. Zip Code :
10. Country :

Executive Secretary Coca-Cola Foundation.
Dr. Gleen Hopkins.
Email:  cocacolagrantfoundation at
Tel: +44 70457 68988

Note: the Coca-Cola Grant Foundation has discovered a huge number of  
double claims due to winners informing close friends relatives and  
third parties about their winning and also sharing their pin numbers.  
As a result of this, these friends try to claim the lottery on behalf  
of the real winners. The Coca-Cola Grant Foundation has reached a  
decision from the headquarters that any double claim discovered by the  
Lottery Board will result to the canceling of that particular  
grant/winning, making a loss for both the double claimer and the real  
winner, as it is taken that the real winner was the informer to the  
double claimer about the lottery. So you are hereby strongly advised  
once more to keep your winnings strictly confidential until you claim  
your prize.

Congratulations once again from the entire management and staff of  
Coca-Cola Grant Foundation to all our lucky winners this year and  
thank you for being part of this promotional lottery program.

Yours faithfully,
Mr. Kelvin Aronin
Online Coordinator For

For Enquiries Please Dial: +44-870-626-0184 enter your PIN: 7072 and  
press 1 for confirmation.

All Claims Process should not be later than 14 working days after this

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