gnome-keyring and new shared library

Praveen A pravi.a at
Sun Mar 22 08:13:09 UTC 2009

2009/3/22 Praveen A <pravi.a at>:
> Hi,
> I was tring to build gnome-keyring 2.26.0 and found there is a new
> shared library
> I'm trying to update the package with required changes, but thought to
> give a heads up in case someone is already working on it. But anyway I
> will need some help as it is my first time packging a shared library.

I have uploaded the packges I created here.

Please give your comments. I'm not fully satisfied with the
descriptions for libgcr packages (but then I don't know what exactly
this library is for - I took the one line description from doc).

* I will have a look at any changes needed to move policy to 3.8.1
* also there is no manpage for gnome-keyring at the moment

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