libxklavier and libgnomekbd transitions

Emilio Pozuelo Monfort pochu at
Thu Nov 5 10:41:14 UTC 2009

Luk Claes wrote:
> Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:
>> Hi,
>> libxklavier and libgnomekbd need a transition. I uploaded them to experimental a
>> few days ago, and uploaded most of the rdeps too. I would like to upload them to
>> unstable now to start the transition.
>> The build-rdeps of the packages are:
>> emilio at saturno:~$ build-rdeps libxklavier12-dev
>> Reverse Build-depends in main:
>> ------------------------------
>> gnome-settings-daemon
>> xfkc
>> xfce4-xkb-plugin
>> xfce4-settings
>> kdebase-workspace
>> glunarclock
>> control-center
>> libgnomekbd
>> gnome-applets
>> Found a total of 9 reverse build-depend(s) for libxklavier12-dev.
>> emilio at saturno:~$ build-rdeps libgnomekbd-dev
>> Reverse Build-depends in main:
>> ------------------------------
>> gnome-settings-daemon
>> gnome-screensaver
>> control-center
>> gnome-applets
>> Found a total of 4 reverse build-depend(s) for libgnomekbd-dev.
>> As you can see, the libgnomekbd-dev transition only adds itself and
>> gnome-screensaver to the list of packages, so it wouldn't be a big deal to
>> transition them together.
>> I can upload all of them, except xfce4-xkb-plugin, xfce4-settings and xfkc
>> (which will be done by Yves-Alexis), kdebase-workspace (only needs to change the
>> build-dependency, the code has an #if #else to build with both APIs), and
>> glunarclock (seems unnecessary, but in any case a rebuild should be enough).
>> Should I let libxklavier-dev provide libxklavier12-dev for those packages that
>> will be fine with a binNMU? I'm not sure that's a good idea since the number of
>> packages that would benefit is too few (3 or 4) and we want them to use
>> libxklavier-dev for the next time the SONAME changes. We could remove the
>> provides in the future though.
>> What do you think? Can I start these two transitions together? If so, when is OK
>> to do so?
> Yes, it's ok. Please do it now.

All done, the last one to be uploaded was glunarclock which is 6 days old now.

Let me know if there's anything else I should do.


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