hi n

Anne Moisy lameuh-ska at hotmail.fr
Sun Oct 4 04:20:10 UTC 2009

   Hey,how are you recently ? I would like to introduce you a very good company which I 

know.Their website is  www.phone-bay.com  They can offer you all kinds of electronical 

products which you want, such as laptops ,gps ,TV LCD,cell phones,ps3,MP3/4,motorcycles  

etc........Please take some time to have a look ,there must be products you 'd like to 

purchase. I think this is a very good chance that you can give your family pretty gifts.
Their contact methods:
email: Friendly_trade at 188.com 
MSN: Friendly-trade at hotmail.com  
Hope you have a good mood in shopping from their company !
Achetez un nouveau PC et bénéficiez de Windows 7 dès sa sortie !
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