Bug#550502: Acknowledgement (python-wnck: Abort on "Attempt to add property GtkMenuBar::local...")

Ulrik Sverdrup ulrik.sverdrup at gmail.com
Sat Oct 10 18:47:03 UTC 2009

Notice a workaround that importing gtk before wnck won't abort

$ python
Python 2.5.4 (r254:67916, Sep 26 2009, 11:00:02)
[GCC 4.3.4] on linux2
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Enabling tab completion
>>> import gtk
>>> import wnck

** (.:26026): WARNING **: Trying to register gtype 'WnckWindowState'
as flags when in fact it is of type 'GEnum'

** (.:26026): WARNING **: Trying to register gtype 'WnckWindowActions'
as flags when in fact it is of type 'GEnum'

** (.:26026): WARNING **: Trying to register gtype
'WnckWindowMoveResizeMask' as flags when in fact it is of type 'GEnum'

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