Bug#550700: [vino] Connection fails if prompt_enabled is set

Christoph Haas haas at debian.org
Mon Oct 12 10:27:09 UTC 2009

Package: vino
Version: 2.28.0-1
Severity: important

--- Please enter the report below this line. ---
It appears like a VNC connections fails if Vino is set to ask for
confirmation before accepting a connection. This corresponds to the
"prompt_enabled" gconf key apparently. The remote end is asked for a
password, sends the password but then nothing happens. Neither is the
desktop shown on the remote end nor do I get asked if I want to permit the

If I switch off "prompt_enabled" then connections work instantly but
obviously without asking me.

--- System information. ---
Architecture: i386
Kernel:       Linux 2.6.30-1-686

Debian Release: squeeze/sid
  500 testing         ftp.de.debian.org

--- Package information. ---
Depends                    (Version) | Installed
libavahi-client3         (>= 0.6.16) | 0.6.25-1
libavahi-common3         (>= 0.6.16) | 0.6.25-1
libavahi-glib1           (>= 0.6.16) | 0.6.25-1
libc6                  (>= 2.3.6-6~) | 2.9-23
libdbus-1-3               (>= 1.0.2) | 1.2.16-2
libdbus-glib-1-2           (>= 0.78) | 0.82-1
libgconf2-4              (>= 2.23.2) | 2.26.2-2
libgcrypt11               (>= 1.4.2) | 1.4.4-3
libglib2.0-0             (>= 2.17.0) | 2.20.4-1
libgnutls26            (>= 2.7.14-0) | 2.8.3-1
libgtk2.0-0              (>= 2.16.0) | 2.16.5-1
libice6                 (>= 1:1.0.0) | 2:1.0.5-1
libjpeg62                            | 6b-14
libnotify1                (>= 0.4.5) | 0.4.5-1
libnotify1-gtk2.10                   |
libpango1.0-0            (>= 1.14.0) | 1.24.5-1
libsm6                               | 2:1.1.0-2
libsoup2.4-1            (>= 2.25.91) | 2.27.4-1
libtelepathy-glib0       (>= 0.7.31) | 0.7.36-1
libunique-1.0-0           (>= 1.0.0) | 1.0.8-1
libx11-6                             | 2:1.2.2-1
libxdamage1               (>= 1:1.1) | 1:1.1.1-4
libxext6                             | 2:1.0.4-1
libxfixes3              (>= 1:4.0.1) | 1:4.0.3-2
libxtst6                             | 2:1.0.3-1
zlib1g                  (>= 1:1.1.4) | 1:
gconf2                 (>= 2.10.1-2) | 2.26.2-2

Recommends      (Version) | Installed
gvfs                      | 1.2.3-1+b1

Suggests               (Version) | Installed
vinagre                          | 2.26.2-1
gnome-user-guide                 | 2.26.2-1
 OR gnome2-user-guide (>= 2.8.1) |

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