unarchived metacity bugs

Gerfried Fuchs rhonda at deb.at
Wed Aug 11 11:22:38 UTC 2010


 I recently started to take a look at unarchived bugreports that were
done ages ago already[1], and stumbled upon the list of ones that are
filed against metacity.

 From a quick glance it seems like there might had been some bad closed
versions sent, like in e.g. #192197 it was said to be fixed in 2.14.5-2
while it should had been 1:2.14.5-2 (notice the 1: ). And #379462 claims
to be fixed in 1:2.14.5-4 but that version doesn't seem to be in the

 I'm not sure if the other 23 closed bugreports fall into a similar
category but it would be cool if you could do some QA work on the
bugreports affecting metacity to clean these issues up!

 Thanks in advance,
[1] <http://alioth.debian.org/~rhonda-guest/unarchived-bugs.php>
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