Bug#578838: Please run with --debug

John Pearson john at huiac.com
Fri Aug 13 09:20:48 UTC 2010

Hi again,

I've attached here the output of s-c-p --debug, generated using the 
"squeeze" version of s-c-p (1.0.0-6).

It hangs after printing the first "guessed" port name, 'PASSTHRU'; I hit 
CTRL-C after a few minutes.

On 11/08/10 06:12, Guido Günther wrote:
> Hi,
> could you try to reproduce the issue with the version in experimental
> and run s-c-p with --debug so we get the necessary information?
> Cheers,
>   -- Guido


http://www.huiac.com/ |   The greatest problem in communication is
john at huiac.com        | the illusion that it has been accomplished
+61 4 0739 1169       |   - George Bernard Shaw: The Sanity of Art
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